What we do

What we do

Luminous is about crafting cutting edge change management strategies and programmes internationally. We have three key approaches:

  1. We consult to support you to conduct and implement the project yourself (Do-It-Yourself Option)
  2. We walk alongside you to guide each step (Do-It-With-You Option)
  3. You appoint us to lead the programme, committing to certain key objectives and outcomes (Do-It-For-You-Option)

We specialise in delivering:

  • – when you are about to embark on an all-important merger/acquisition/redundancy programme or massive software implementation which could change hundreds of jobs for people, it’s wise to consult with an expert who can help you strategise how you will tackle the challenges ahead. Topics to be addressed include:-

    • Working out the exact PR strategy and communication protocol to be used
    • Designing the change or redundancy in a humanist way, putting people first
    • Managing the risks of those leaving by capturing the key business processes at risk
    • Developing a risk mitigation strategy
    • Whether to have a transparent strategy or closed-box strategy with redundancies
    • How to protect the culture of those left behind
    • How to communicate the redundancy/ change
    • Post-change support systems to put in place
    • Items to watch and areas to mitigate
    • Risk Mitigation strategy
    • Project plan
    • Requirements document listing what the change needs to achieve
    • Key Actions to complete the change successfully
    • Set up of a project with tollgates and deliverables for each phase

Mostly we work closely with organisations using a consultative approach as well as conducting some training workshops. It completely depends on the individual situation. Sometimes 3 sessions is more than adequate, sometimes a few weeks/ months are required.

  1. Increase urgency – inspire people to move, make objectives real and relevant.
  2. Build the guiding team – get the right people in place with the right emotional commitment, and the right mix of skills and levels.
  3. We ensure that everyone gets the vision right – get the team to establish a simple vision and strategy, focus on emotional and creative aspects necessary to drive service and efficiency.
  4. We create processes to communicate for buy-in – Involve as many people as possible, communicate the essentials, simply, and to appeal and respond to people’s needs. De-clutter communications and harness technology wherever possible.
  5. Empower action – Remove obstacles, enable constructive feedback and lots of support from leaders – reward and recognise progress and achievements.
  6. Create short-term wins – Set aims that are easy to achieve – in bite-size chunks. Manageable numbers of initiatives. Finish current stages before starting new ones.
  7. Don’t let up – Foster and encourage determination and persistence – ongoing change – encourage ongoing progress reporting – highlight achieved and future milestones.
  8. Make change stick – Reinforce the value of successful change via recruitment, promotion, new change leaders. Weave change into culture.
  9. We work well within a strict budget or timeframe – We work well with whatever you already have and build on it, magnifying the positive aspects of the change. We charge a flat fee per project and are used to managing our projects within a budget. Our team consists of people who have years of experience so have an extraordinary ability to get on top of a new project very quickly and enthuse people towards the new change
  10. Your support overheads will decrease – With over 80% of change projects, people experience a lack of clarity in how to use the new software or have a loss of confidence and enthusiasm which can lead to illness, absence from work or increased staff turnover. This causes high support overheads and costs which are often not quantified during such a change. Luminous incorporates Accelerated LearningTM methods within our training programs – results show more than 70% decrease in support overhead post the implementation of a major change.

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